Welcome to the
Dundee Renewable Energy Society

Dundee Renewable Energy Society is a Community Benefit Society dedicated to promoting sustainable community energy and alleviating fuel poverty in and around the city of Dundee.

Bullionfield Solar Meadow

Our community owns a 2.6MW solar array at Bullionfield on land owned by the James Hutton Institute, Scotland’s leading agricultural research body, located near the A90 Swallow Roundabout on the west side of Dundee near Invergowrie. The array was constructed in late 2024.

This project is generating renewable energy for the Institute, helping them to meet their green energy goals.

In addition to this, we expect the solar meadow to generate a community benefit of around £1.4 million in total over the 25 year lifetime of the project. This community benefit will be spent on local projects to promote sustainable energy and alleviate fuel poverty.

Social Media

If you want to follow what we are doing, please follow us on social media using the links below

Keep in Touch

We will be updating this site regularly with more information about DRES and the solar project, however if you wish to keep in touch you can sign up to our mailing list using the form below.

Find out More

If you wish to know more about the DRES, the Solar Meadow project, the community benefit or are interested in investing in the project, please contact us or email us at info@dres.coop.
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